Rochonda Ferrelli

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Ro has been creating art for as long as she can remember. As a little girl in Kansas City, MO, she begged her parents for an art kit every Christmas, eagerly sneaking peeks at the wrapped gifts to see if “Santa” had brought her supplies. Her passion for art deepened as a teen, and she explored mediums like oil pastels, watercolor, charcoal, and markers. Art class was the highlight of her school days, and creating became her go-to outlet. In her twenties, she discovered fluid art and sea glass mosaics, finding joy in spending hours on her projects. In 2007, a spiritual awakening led her to connect with her Spiritual Guides and dive into metaphysical teachings, enriching her artistic journey.

In 2019, she stumbled upon geode resin art and became instantly obsessed. She meticulously researched supplies and techniques, and soon after, one of her Spiritual Guides, Count St. Germain, inspired the name Magnetic Geodes. He also gave her a vision of a global energy grid connected by the crystals in her art. Today, she continues to create with this vision, infusing each geode with higher-vibrational frequencies to elevate the energy of any space they occupy. This spiritual connection makes her geodes magnetic and special.

As an Intuitive, Rochonda connects with her spiritual guides and her Higher Self throughout the creation process, and she is also working in her unique Zone of Genius as an artist and creative. While creating, energy is facilitated through her hands and body to energize and infuse the art piece with light, high vibrational frequencies, and specific intentions for the customer. These are the main ingredients that make Magnetic Geodes so special and “magnetic” to the right people.